Autumn assembly 2023

The AUTUMN ASSEMBLY is approaching!
What happens at the autumn assembly?
At the meeting a completely new board for the section (Uppsala Datavetare) will be appointed. Representatives for our section within UTN and the programme council will also be reelected. Are you interested in applying for a position or know someone you would like to nominate from our section for a position? Here you will find the nomination form: Nomination form Here you will find the board position application form: Board position application form Here you will find the post-descriptions: Post-descriptions
In addition to being able to impact who will represent the section, the large meeting is the perfect opportunity to have your voice heard and influence what our section should focus on. Before the assembly, you can submit motions for things that you think should be introduced/changed! Here is a template on how to write a motion: Motion template You e-mail the motions to! NOTE! Motions for the autumn assembly must be submitted no later than 11/11.
Sign-up if you intend to attend, because there will be pizza! You can do that here (do it at latest the day before to guarantee a pizza): Pizza-form NOTE! You are still welcome to attend eaven if you forget to sign-up for it.
Where will the autumn assembly be held?
At Ångström, room 101121 (Sonja Lyttkens). If you have trouble finding it? Here is a map: Mazemap
When will the autumn assembly be held?
On 21/11, at 17 dk. The pizza distribution will start at 17.30, the meeting itself will start closer to 18 o’clock.
**Link to all meeting documents will be published in the event 7 days before the meeting! **
Here you will find the FB-event, with more info: Facebook
Hope to see you at the autumn assembly!