Game night!

Game night!

Translations: SV
It’s time to take a break, and we’ll do that with a gaming night! Thursday March 23rd from 18:00 you’re welcome to the common room in the building that houses our section room to hang out and play some games!
Apply to Rallykå 2023

Apply to Rallykå 2023

Translations: SV
It is time, what you all have been waiting for! The application for the puzzle hunt committee has officially opened! The application closes on the 20th of February!
Stop procrastinating

Stop procrastinating

Translations: SV
UTN together with Student Health invites you to a lecture with the theme: “Do it now - stop procrastinating”. The lecture will give you advice and tips on how to stop procrastinating and start doing it now!
The overalls are here

The overalls are here

Translations: SV
Hi computer scientists, the overalls as you know have finally arrived! Everyone that has ordered and have swish are welcome to collect their overalls, they will cost 600kr.
Join Uppsala Case Club

Join Uppsala Case Club

Translations: SV
Uppsala Case Club are a student-run case association at Uppsala University, dedicated to providing a platform for students to develop their problem-solving and strategic thinking skills.
Evening event with Omegapoint

Evening event with Omegapoint

Translations: SV
Omegapoint invites you to a fun girlsnight at their office here in Uppsala! We’ll have food and drinks while we talk about everything from gender equality in the workplace to salary negotiations, what it’s like to apply for a job and what we look for in a code interview.
The Event Group is looking for new members!

The Event Group is looking for new members!

Translations: SV
The spring semester has just started, and the Event Group is looking for new members! Do you want to join in and create a meeting place for students and the business community and arranging corporate events with a group of other students?
Apply to the Utnarm Management Group

Apply to the Utnarm Management Group

Translations: SV
DO YOU WANT TO HAVE AN INCREDIBLY FUN AND EDUCATIONAL YEAR? Then this is something for you! Now you have the chance to develop your role as a leader, run a project from scratch and get one step closer towards work life.