

Translations: SV
As darkness falls and golden lights shimmer from the chandeliers, the doors open to a world of enchanting mystery and timeless glamour.


Translations: SV
Welcome, dear ladies and non-binaries of DV, to an evening filled with intrigue, mystery and maybe… a murder? 🕵️‍♀️✨ Tonight we step into a world of secrets and lies, where no one can trust anyone and everyone is a suspect.
DV to Absolut Gotland 2025

DV to Absolut Gotland 2025

Translations: SV
Then it’s time again! Absolut Gotland is here and we are going there! May 16-19, we will once again travel to Kneippbyn on Gotland outside Visby.
Autumn General Assembly 2024!

Autumn General Assembly 2024!

Translations: SV
Fantastic DV! This year’s FALL GENERAL ASSEMBLY is approaching and we will, among other things, elect a new board and handle proposals and motions.
Syjunta 3 Oktober!

Syjunta 3 Oktober!

Translations: SV
You might have thought that DV doesn’t have any social events? That’s about to change! On Thursday, October 3rd, it’s time for the year’s first syjunta (sewing circle)!
DV to Sjöslaget 2024!

DV to Sjöslaget 2024!

Translations: SV
Hello and hope you have a great summer! Registration for Sjöslaget is now open! What is Sjöslaget? Well, it’s a major cruise with students from all over the country, which of course leads to one or another party!
Summer Final!

Summer Final!

Translations: SV
Are you tired of TAs giving you low grades and lectures that goes on and on, and never ends? Wouldn’t you rather like to sit outside and be crisped by the warm sun and listen to all the little birdies sing?
DVd, Whs kasetter och andra reliKer

DVd, Whs kasetter och andra reliKer

Translations: SV
Welcome to the time travel journey that takes you back to the early 00s! The time when everything was easier, jeans were lower and Backstreet Boys was on every teenager’s wall.